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President and Co-founder

january 2023 - present


august 2022 - present

Brand Design

brand design


I reinvented the CAL VALORANT brand image using imagery and details from both VALORANT and Berkeley itself. On the right, I added a golden bear (for the UC Berkeley mascot) with the Campanile in the background (a famous landmark of the UC Berkeley campus). On the left, I used the official VALORANT fond to write CAL VALORANT and added the VALORANT symbol in the background. All of this was done keeping true to the UC Berkeley branding as well via the colors of the logo.

cal valorant logo-yellow-blue.png
Twitch Stream Assets

Twitch stream assets

graphic design

As Social Lead for CAL VALORANT and VALORANT at Berkeley, I create and facilitate all media content that is used to promote our RSO, including video, graphics, and copy. I lead a team dedicated to promoting various events, sponsored and internal, as well as our intramural league.

Here are some examples of posts I've made for various events.

Social Posts

social posts

See examples of my work and an explanation of my thought process

for each one below.

Red Bull Campus Clutch

red bull campus clutch
promotional video

Our Division 1 VALORANT Team qualified for the Red Bull Campus Clutch in San Jose, so we made a highlight reel featuring interviews from players and real in-game footage. I was in charge of all advertising of the event, including social posts (Instagram posts/stories, Twitter). I also helped with shooting and editing the video.

Intramural League

intramural league

To increase hype surrounding our second iteration of the intramural league, we released an announcement video for the Spring 2023 IMs using clips from the Fall 2022 IM streams, increasing word of mouth and ultimately garnering us a total of 90 participants in the Spring semester.

In addition to creating promotional graphics, I compiled stats using player reports of their intramural games to find patterns in intramural gameplay. I turned these stats into eye-catching posts to interest both participants of the league and others who might want to join.

Player Cards

player cards

In the Fall '22 and Spring '23 intramurals, there were no "guaranteed" prizes for the top teams of the intramural league, so I decided to start a mini project creating trading card-like posters for each member of the winning team.

Each poster has customized stats featuring their progress within the league as well as their position, team name, gamer tag, and main agent. I also had each player send me their signature so it would feel like an actual trading card.

In Fall 2022, we had 3 winners, so I made a total of 15 cards. In Spring 2023, I made 5 for Team Araxys (depicted below).

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